Special Services
The Hamtramck Department of Special Services is responsible for providing services to children with disabilities aged 0-26 years of age. If appropriate, interventions and supports can occur as early as birth and last throughout a child’s educational career.
Children 0 to 2 years of age are referred to the department through EARLY ON referrals or via hospitals, social service agencies, Wayne County Intermediate School District, or any person who suspects a child may have a disability.
In order for the child to be evaluated, the parent(s) must prove residency through our residency and attendance department. Once residency is proven, the Department of Special Services will forward the referral to Grosse Pointe Public Schools who will send a team to the house where the child resides to conduct an evaluation. Evaluations are conducted after the parent provides written consent to evaluate. Upon completion of the evaluation, an Individualized Family Service Plan (I.F.S.P.) will be convened to review evaluation data and determine eligibility for special services. If eligible, Grosse Pointe Public Schools will either send team members into the home to work with the child and family (1 to 2 days a week) or provide in-school instruction, which is usually 1 day a week.
Children served by Grosse Pointe Public Schools through the Early On program must transition to an IEP prior to the child's third birthday. In some instances, depending on the student's needs and age, an Early Childhood Transition IEP may take place as early as 2 years 6 months old. Children who are close to their third birthday may be referred directly to Hamtramck Public Schools for an evaluation, eligibility determination, and IEP through the Hamtramck Public Schools Special Education Department.
Children who are 3 to 5 years of age must also prove residency. The Hamtramck Public Schools diagnostic team will complete the evaluation and recommend any services at the IEP meeting once testing is completed. For children who are 6 and older, the Multitiered Systems of Support (MTSS) process provides classroom teachers with assistance to support children suspected of having a disability. During this process, time is set aside so the principal, teacher, parent, resource room teacher, and any other staff involved can review data collected by the teacher(s) regarding the child’s area(s) of defecit. The team will work through progressive tiers using data-driven interventions (Tier I: Universal Schoolwide Interventions focusing on Core Instruction within the General Education Classroom; Tier II: Targeted Small Group Interventions with supports from Instructional Interventionists/Coaches; Tier III: Intensive Individual Interventions) to remediate the child’s deficit(s) in both the academic and affective domains. Once the team has exhausted their efforts to support the child in the deficit area(s) using implementation fidelity in the classroom, a Child Study meeting is called to request a full and indivdual inital evaluation. Once the parent/guardian provides consent to evaluate, the diagnostic team may proceed with the evaluation. When the evaluation is complete, the team will convene an IEP meeting to review evaluation data, determine whether the child meets eligibility requirements for special education, and develop individualized programs and services. Parents who want to request testing directly for their child should utilize the contact information provided.
The Department of Special Services also provides 504 services for students who are in need of accommodations and modifications to be successful in school, Medical Healthcare Plans, and Due Process for both General and Special Education Discipline.
If you have any questions or require information regarding referrals or programming of your child please contact the Director of the Department of Special Services at 313.591.7424.
Transportation questions should be directed to the Special Services Administrative Assistant at 313.591.7425.
- Michigan.gov Special Services Info for Families
- Michigan Department of Education
- Michigan Department of Education - Assessment office
- Michigan Department of Education - Office of Special Education
- Michigan Department of Special Education - Family Matters
- Michigan Department of Education - Office of Special Education - Section 504 Fact Sheet
- Wayne Regional education Service Agency - Department of Special Education
- Procedureal Safeguards Notice
- Michigan Alliance for Families
- Autism Society of Michigan
- Down Syndrome Guild of Southeast Michigan
- The Arc of Michigan - Detroit
- Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network
- Easterseals of Michigan
- Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services (ACCESS)
Contact Us
Dr. Tiffany Cobb, Director of Special Services
Phone: 313.591.7424
Erika Johnson-Kelly, Administrative Assistant
Phone: 313.591.7425
Fax: 313.241.8974
Fax: 313.891.3204
9324 Conant
Hamtramck, Michigan 48212